Plan together with adjacent property owners and your local building department in your municipality to determine the specific installation requirements for your area. Local building codes and fencing laws vary greatly from one state or city to another.
One you have determined the location of your fence it is very important to use accurate measurements and string lines as guides to ensure the fence is straight and metal support posts are located in the correct positions. Preparation and good measuring are key to having a beautiful result.
1.Mark out Holes for fence posts every 9 feet in a straight line.
2. Dig Holes
3. Cut a board or piece of piece to 104 1/2 inches to use a spacer when setting metal channel posts into concrete mix.
4. Set post into concrete with Narrow 3” side of the metal post touching the string line.
Use a Laser Level or string ling to determine panel bracket height, this bracket represents the bottom of the fence. Two brackets that face each other should be at the same level horizontally so the concrete panel can rest level and flat. If you need to step down due to terrain changes, adjust each fence section accordingly.
IF on a slope, the 3 sided bracket installs on the UPHILL side and the L bracket installs stepped down below.
Use 2 of the 3 sided metal brackets at the corners,
Install Corner Filler with mounting tabs.
Cut the outside corner piece for desired aesthetic to have full width piece face either direction.
Insert Foam filler inside the post top.
Bend tabs of concrete pillar down and bend tab of concrete cap into a slight hook.
Add a scoop or two of concrete unto the top of the Foam filler
Set and Level the Cap in both directions
Smooth off concrete that squishes out the sides of the post top with a painter’s stick, shim, or gloved hand.